How To Air Fry El Monterey Burritos

El Monterey burritos are an incredibly popular meal. Not only do they offer delicious and tasty options to the palate, but they are also highly convenient and easy to cook. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative, air frying your El Monterey burrito is a great option that can help you cut down on calories without sacrificing flavor!

In this blog post, I’ll be walking you through step-by-step instructions on how to make perfect El Monterey burritos with an air fryer from prepping themfor cooking all the way up to our special tips that will give your finished product home cooked deliciousness every time! So get ready for some mouthwatering goodness.

What are El Monterey Burritos?

El Monterey burritos are a Tex-Mex meal made of flour tortillas, ground beef or chicken, refried beans and cheese. They can also include various other ingredients such as peppers, onions and spices to add flavor and texture. The burrito is then rolled up into a neat package and cooked until it’s golden brown and crispy on the outside while still being soft on the inside.

Who created the Burrito?

The burrito was first created in Mexico by the Aztecs who used corn tortillas to wrap their food. The dish then made its way north and eventually arrived in California where it became a favorite of many people living there. It wasn’t until El Monterey began mass producing them that they really gained popularity across the United States.

What are the benefits of air frying El Monterey burritos?

Air frying your El Monterey burritos is a healthier alternative than traditional methods such as deep-frying or oven-baking because it uses less oil and reduces fat content. Air frying also ensures that your burritos stay juicy on the inside while becoming crispy and golden brown on the outside, making it a perfect meal that’s both delicious and nutritious.

What do you need?

To make El Monterey burritos with an air fryer, you’ll need an air fryer, ground beef or chicken, refried beans, shredded cheese, taco seasoning mix (optional), flour tortillas, oil for cooking (optional) and your favorite toppings for serving (optional).

Prepping Your Ingredients

Before you begin, make sure all of your ingredients are prepped and ready. Start by browning the ground beef or chicken in a skillet over medium-high heat. Once it’s cooked through, drain any excess fat from the pan and add in the taco seasoning if desired.

Next, warm up the refried beans in a saucepan over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then shred your cheese and have all of your toppings ready to go as well. Finally, grab some flour tortillas and let them come to room temperature before use.

How To Air Fry El Monterey Burritos: Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C).

2. Place your El Monterey burritos in the basket of the air fryer, ensuring that they don’t touch each other or any part of the basket.

3. Cook for 8 minutes, flipping them occasionally for even cooking.

4. Remove from heat and let cool for 1–2 minutes before serving.

Special Tips for Making Perfect El Monterey Burritos with an Air Fryer

1. Preheat your air fryer for at least 5 minutes before cooking to ensure even heating and prevent the burritos from sticking.

2. Cook the burritos in batches so that they don’t overcrowd the basket and end up mushy.

3. If you want them to be extra crispy, spray a light coating of oil on each side of your burrito before placing it in the air fryer basket.

4. Check the internal temperature of your finished El Monterey burrito with an instant-read thermometer – it should read 160°F (71°C) or above when done.

How To Air Fry El Monterey Frozen Burritos

If you’re using frozen burritos, make sure they are completely thawed before air frying. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Place the burritos in the basket of the air fryer and cook for 12 minutes, flipping them occasionally for even cooking. Remove from heat and let cool for 1–2 minutes before serving.

1. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C).

2. Place your frozen El Monterey burritos in the basket of the air fryer, ensuring that they don’t touch each other or any part of the basket.

3. Cook for 10 minutes, flipping them occasionally for even cooking.

4. Remove from heat and let cool for 1–2 minutes before serving.

We hope you enjoyed this guide to making El Monterey burritos in an air fryer. While they’re easy to make, they can be tricky to perfect – but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to some mouthwatering Tex-Mex goodness every time!

How long to air fry frozen El Monterey burritos?

Frozen El Monterey burritos should be cooked in the air fryer for 10 minutes at 375°F (190°C). Flip them occasionally for even cooking, then remove from heat and let cool for 1–2 minutes before serving.

How To Know If El Monterey Burritos Is Done

The best way to know if El Monterey burritos are done is to use an instant-read thermometer. The internal temperature should read 160°F (71°C) or above when they’re finished cooking. If they’re not cooked through yet, place them back in the air fryer and cook for a few minutes more until they reach the desired temperature.

How to Use Leftover El Monterey Burritos

If you’re not going to eat your El Monterey burritos right away, you can save them for later. Simply wrap them in foil or place them in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When ready to reheat, place the burrito on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 1–2 minutes or until warmed through. You can also reheat in an oven at 350°F (180°C) for 10–15 minutes or until heated through.

Serving Up Your El Monterey Burritos

Once they are done cooking, you can serve up your delicious El Monterey burritos! They go great with sour cream, salsa, guacamole or any other favorite topping that you might have. Enjoy as is or wrap them into a soft flour tortilla with cheese and more toppings of your choice for an even tastier experience!

El Monterey burritos are a simple yet satisfying meal that can be enjoyed any day of the week. With the help of an air fryer, you can easily prepare this scrumptious dish with minimal effort and enjoy it guilt free!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Air Fry El Monterey Burritos

1. Not Preheating the Air Fryer: Make sure to preheat your air fryer for at least 5 minutes before adding the burritos. This will help ensure even cooking and prevent them from sticking.

2. Overcrowding the Basket: Cook the burritos in batches so that they don’t overcrowd the basket and end up mushy or overcooked.

3. Not Checking Internal Temperature: Check the internal temperature of your finished El Monterey burrito with an instant-read thermometer – it should read 160°F (71°C) or above when done.

4. Not Letting Them Cool: When removing your El Monterey burritos from heat, let them cool for 1–2 minutes before serving. This will help ensure that they are fully cooked and the cheese has had time to melt properly.

5. Serving Without Toppings: Serve your El Monterey burritos with some of your favorite toppings, like sour cream, salsa, guacamole or shredded cheese – they really take this dish up a notch!


How Long Do You Cook El Monterey Burritos in an Air Fryer?

El Monterey burritos should be cooked for 12 minutes in the preheated air fryer, flipping them occasionally to ensure even cooking.

What Temperature Should I Preheat My Air Fryer To?

Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C).

How Can I Tell When They’re Done?

The best way to know if El Monterey burritos are done is by using an instant-read thermometer. The internal temperature should read 160°F (71°C) or above when they’re finished cooking.

How do you cook El Monterey frozen burritos?

To cook El Monterey frozen burritos in the air fryer, you’ll need to preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Place the desired number of burritos into the basket or on a tray and cook for 12 minutes, flipping them occasionally to ensure even cooking. When done, remove from heat and allow to cool for 1–2 minutes before serving with your favorite toppings.

How long do you cook El Monterey burritos in air fryer?

El Monterey burritos should be cooked for 12 minutes in the preheated air fryer, flipping them occasionally to ensure even cooking. You can check the internal temperature with an instant-read thermometer – it should read 160°F (71°C) or above when they’re finished cooking.

Can you eat El Monterey burritos cold?

Yes, you can eat El Monterey burritos cold, though they will taste better if reheated. To reheat, place the desired number of burritos on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 1–2 minutes or until warmed through. Alternatively, you can reheat in an oven at 350°F (180°C) for 10–15 minutes or until heated through. Enjoy with your favorite toppings!


Now that you have the equipment, the ingredients, and the techniques to air-fry your El Monterey burritos, the only thing left for you to do is to enjoy! The humble burrito is a versatile dish with a myriad of options from breakfast burritos to dinner specials. With an air-fryer you can turn this traditional meal into a healthier and tastier extravaganza. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to create a delicious and healthy dinner for your family tonight. Be sure to follow safety guidelines when prepping or cooking with an air-fryer better safe than sorry!

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